Monday, April 20, 2020

38 Days of Quarantine

Well for the last oh, 17 days, I’ve been thinking I should resurrect the blog. Well I guess the time has come. It’s only taken 38 days by my count to make it happen. I figured a perfect way to celebrate this milestone was to go over what we’ve done, and haven’t done over the last 38 days at home.

What we’ve done:
Played outside
Planted vegetables and flowers
Played board games
Read books
Gone on hikes
Put together puzzles
Gone on longer runs
Watched a lot of Netflix
Catchy frogs and salamanders
Ridden our bikes
Gotten cranky and fed up

What we haven’t done:
Massive purge and clean
Mastered new skills
Skipped dessert
Watched Tiger King
Slept late

I don’t foresee anything coming off that “haven’t done” lost coming anytime soon, but I sure do hope we keep up with all the stuff on the “done” list...though I could do with less crying and getting cranky. Here’s a photo to show you our real life right now.

1 comment:

  1. I fully support both the done and haven’t done list - especially watching TK... no need to if you grew up in or near Bath County...
