Sunday, April 19, 2015

Playgrounds and Carousels, or San Francisco with Toddlers

I like to think we take A a lot of places and expose him to new things. But if I'm being honest, he sticks to a nap schedule and we always work in stuff that he enjoys no matter the location.  Our recent trip to San Fran was a clear example of this. But guess what? We had a great trip, spent time with family and had some awesome experiences. 

How did we do it? Well, every day included a playground. Yep. We saw the playgrounds of SF and loved it. 

Duboce Park, just a few blocks from our house

Giant cardboard/concrete slide at Golden Gate Park

Riding the carousel (Koret playground here but Pier 39 not pictured and also enjoyed of course).

Alta Plaza for a picnic with friends

By keeping him happy we got to do some awesome stuff too like see the sea lions

And ride the cable cars

And go to the Japanese Tea Garden

And of course celebrate Cousin Bryan's wedding 

So for all you parents out there...stop and enjoy the playgrounds. We did and had a great time. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

Wow it's been a while since I posted ! So many things going on in McNew world and I won't begin to explain now. That said a few pictures are in demand so we better hop to it! 

A had a fantastic Good Friday with an egg hunt (probably the 3d or 4th of the season because if there is one thing this kid loves it is an egg hunt), making deviled eggs and of course QT with DD and DaDoc. 

And then we continued the festivities with egg dying, cake decorating, and of course more egg hunting. 

So here's to an amazing spring. We certainly have a busy one already beginning here, and if you don't know what we're taking about, well you best pick up the phone and call us!