Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday is time for yard work

From the moment he wakes up, A can't get enough of being outside in the fresh air. This weekend he got his first glimpse of yard work. Dad is chomping at the bit for the day when A can actually help. In the meantime, here are some cute pics to warm your day of what Aiden sees as helping :)

And Kyle, thanks for planting azaleas for me. They're beautiful :) 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A family of book worms

Every day we read at least 2 books, usually more. We have done this since the early days with A and I think it has helped develop his early love for books. One of his first words, was book (just after "buh-bye" but before "ball"). He even knows what our Kindles are and will pick it up and say "book."

Anyways, today we got some new books in the mail from a great friend, so I had to share the cute picture Kyle took. Plus there are a few more great with Gr A G from his birthday and one from before showing him very into his "Moo Baa LaLaLa" that I couldn't resist posting :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Big smiles all around

Anything that brings a smile to A's face makes me smile. It can be the
smallest thing to him, but it makes him smile which is contagious. As
you know, he's a pretty smiley guy and we're lucky for that!

We had lots of great smiles this weekend. There were lots of smiles
but here were a few captured.

On Friday we smiled having fun at Tom Tom Festival.

On Saturday we smiled riding in the hiking pack (thanks Uncle John!)...

and then riding in the car at the grocery store for the first time.

On Sunday we smiled at the playground going down the slide and on the swing.

We had a lot more smiles too, but these were a few great ones :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Why I love spring

It's been a long winter for everyone and this weekend was the first real weekend that we could really get outside, and boy did we make the most of it. We did so many fun things, and here are some highlights.

First, on Friday we walked on the Downtown Mall and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon while hearing the beats of a random band on the corner and eating a delicious meal at Positively 4th Street. A was in his element...people and dogs galore to watch, lots of ladies to smile and giggle at, and a steady stream of food (from home and our plates). It was the first nice meal out we've all had together in a while and it was amazing.

Yesterday was mostly spent celebrating the nuptials of wonderful friends we've made since moving to town. A was well taken care of by DD so we could enjoy the afternoon and evening with our closest friends that live here but we never seem to get to see enough of.

Today was the icing on the cake of a fabulous weekend, as you will clearly see from the photo stream below. After Kyle split enough wood to heat half of Charlotesville, we packed up the fam and drove towards the mountains. We arrived at White Hall Vineyards and enjoyed the afternoon with a bottle of a delightful Chardonnay, snacks to keep everyone happy and playtime in the shade. Fella loved chasing the frisbee and playing with sticks while A was happy to explore. We wandered our way over to the old barn afterwards, and the daffodils were in full bloom.

While it was nothing crazy or exciting, this is my favorite thing about any season - getting to enjoy the treasures that are unique to that season. This weekend was the perfect spring weekend, and here's hoping for a few more.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A boy's best friend

Today my brother had to put down his dog Kota, which made me think about how my nephew, just 3.5 years old, is handling the change. Kota has been with him since birth, just like Fella has been with A  since birth. I do not look forward to the day when Fella leaves us, and I can only imagine how my brother's family handled the day.

I still remember my first dog, Tina.  I remember growing up with her, trying to ride her like a horse (in my defense, she was a 110 lbs German Shepard), exploring the woods together, and laying on the floor watching a movie. She was a great dog and I'll never forget her.

Similarly I hope A remembers chasing Fella through the yard, feeding him from the table, and hugging him in the hall; and that my nephew remembers special times with Kota. We are fortunate to have some wonderful dogs in our families and they are more than just our friend.

7 months
9 months
11 months
13 months
16 months