Saturday, December 28, 2013

Potty Fun

Well we're starting to potty train. So far we've spent a lot of time in the bathroom reading the same books over and over. There are certainly worse ways to spend time with the little guy though, and it's great he's learning what the word "proud" means :)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Santa time!

I know you've all been waiting for it...a picture with Santa. Well, it's Christmas now, so here you go!

The first try didn't go so well, but luckily day care pulled through and we had a second chance to sit on Santa's lap this year :)

But the real question you all have is, how was A's Christmas? He had a blast of course! Kyle did a great job pulling off the Santa thing this morning, complete with his own leaf blower. 

Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas too!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Infamous Elf

Don't believe all the hate you read...elf is magic and fun for all. The 30 seconds it takes us to move elf on a given day is worth every second of joy that A gets out of this. If you don't yet know about the excitement the Elf brings to a young child, then watch A's excitement in this video. 

Since December 1st we have been hiding the elf everyday. Our elf even has a special book that explains his magic and why he came to visit. Honestly? I think it's fun. A loves to scream "ELF!" upon waking, running to find the elf's latest antics. We had elf make a mess (in addition to the laundry as seen above, he also had a great time with some wrapping paper), and he tons of fun hanging from the light fixtures. See a few more we captured on camera.

Where's elf?


Tomorrow elf will return to the North Pole also known as our basement) during nap time tomorrow. But first A will wake to find the elf's final hiding spot...just where Santa will visit on Christmas Day :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Starting some traditions

I suddenly realized that A is at an age where we can really start some Christmas traditions.  We started a few this year and I think we'll definitely have to continue.

First, everyone needs a good Christmas flick. I've decided Polar Express must have been made especially for A...trains and Santa? Ho Ho Ho!

And of course we must have cookies! A helped with molasses cookies this year. He cut and decorated :)

And of course we had to have goes perfect with the end of the movie!

Let's see what other great traditions we can make :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Imaginary play

They say imaginary play is good for kids as they grow up. I feel like maybe all the cars and trains A wants to play with (and probably many boys) would make some think imaginary play wasn't important. 

Well, this momma is here to say he needs his cooktop and shopping cart too! I was pretty excited by this Christmas gift he got over the weekend :) Needless to say that I will probably want I play with him even more now! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Winter is coming!

They're calling for a nasty mix tomorrow of snow then ice then rain. Fun huh? Makes me think of last winter when A could walk (kind of) but the snow was not fun. I can't wait to see what he'll do this year! 

Getting ready for the weather! 

A shot from a snow storm last year

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy 2nd birthday!

Im a bit slow to post recently, but here's a quick one to appease all those who want some birthday photos :) A had a great day with his DD, DaDoc, Maga and Pop :) 

More to follow soon!