Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Day!

Obligatory "snow in the south" freak out post's your warning!

We've gotten the first 5" of a supposed 20-24" snow storm and I figured I'd go ahead and post some pictures while we're still loving the snow. A made it longer than both of us expected (he hates cold as much as this girl!), which meant ample photo ops. So far we've been sledding, made snow angels & pirates, and snow sharks, and had fun digging and running in the snow. 

And don't forget Fella of course...I think he is really a snow dog at heart! 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Happy 2016!

I didn't post around Christmas but unsurprisingly the world didn't stop...I've been a bit tired and preoccupied. 

But, that's no reason to start of 2016 on the wrong foot...especially the two small feet that walked 4 miles across DC on Saturday. Can you believe this kid? And he didn't complain or slow down until the last few blocks...

We had fun exploring 2 Smithsonians in some amazing January weather. 

We had a blast. I can't wait to take him to the others and see the monuments up close! Until next time DC...