Sunday, September 28, 2014

Indian Summer?

Well we enjoyed 80 degree temps this weekend, meaning we spent lots of time outside. Pop and Magga were here so we had a blast running around the yard, "fishing," meals on the deck, and a baseball game to top it off. I  always long for fall, but I can't resist these low-humidity wam days in September! 

Anyways, here are a few cute pics from the weekend.

On a totally different topic, I get the question of how do I cook and plan weekly meals each week from friends often, so I thought I might try posting a few weekly menus on here. We're blessed that A is a good eater (what he lacks in quantity he makes up for in variety), so everything I post is A approved. My go to cookbook these days is the Six O'Clock Scramle (SOS), which I adore. She has great recipes that are actually fast. And they use a variety of grains, vegetables, and spices which I love. *I try to go meatless multiple nights a week, so you'll notice that within my menu.

Okay here we go...
Sunday, aka Grill Day: pork chops, oven roasted potatoes with herbs, oven roasted brocolli 
Monday: sweet potato quesadillas with a side salad*
Tuesday: leftovers from the weekend (I made baked ziti from a Pioneer Woman which makes enough for 12 so...)
Wednesday: Greek rice bowl (SOS)*
Thursday: Pumpkin soup with canellini beans and pancetta (the original recipe is from has this made on the stovetop, but I'm going to make it in the slow cooker)
Friday: Sausage with apples and cabbage (again, from SOS)

If you like my menu go buy SOS. I swear I'm not getting a kickback. Also, check back next week to see what we have planned  ðŸ˜„

Monday, September 8, 2014

Avocados and Popsicles

Random ramblings for this rainy Monday....

"I don't like avocados." This is a phrase we hear at least once a day. We can be talking about carrots or cookies or any number of things and A will say "I like (insert random item here). I don't like avocados. Mommy and Daddy like avocados."

The best part? He still ate 3 bites of avocado for dinner last night. 

Also, I'm convinced A is already learning his daddy's charm. We've been having some trouble with time outs at day care recently (as in he got 2/day on average last week). So today he went to the daycare director and said "I had a good day. We can have Popsicles?" 

The director responded by saying she needed to ask the teacher. The teacher agreed he had a good day. 

Everyone got Popsicles.  A for class president. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

The End of Summer

 Well, it's been a very short summer here in VA if you are counting number of days where it felt like a VA summer: hot and muggy. I don't know how many we had, but I'm guessing it was only a few weeks of them compared to the normal 3 months straight. That said, this past week was one of those weeks. To celebrate that, DD and DaDoc picked up A and took him to the spray park one day. My dad got way better pictures than I could have, so I had to share!

Possibly the first picture where Kyle said, "He looks like me."

Booking it between the spray park and the playground.

So here's to the end of summer...although I wouldn't be surprised if the hot weather stays for a little while now that it's finally here. Unfortunately, today is the last day of the spray park and pools for the year!